

D2 A1 M3 N1 - Double word score, 14 points

I just realized something really REALLY disturbing: when it's time for my daughter to go to K4...the parents of her classmates could POSSIBLY be only 16, their GRANDPARENT'S could possibly JUST be my age.

That is fucked up.

I was talking to my cousin about a student I had couple of years ago who just turned 13 and was pregnant. She swore UP AND DOWN that she wasn't despite the fact that it looked like she had a few watermelons underneath her shirt. She'd be waddling her little chunky pregnant ass through the school, popping her gum like she wasn't growing a little person inside. Then she would skip class on a regular because she either had morning sickness or just didn't feel like coming to school.

I can just see now what her child is going to be like. Basically she probably ain't gone be shit because her momma ain't shit and to tell the truth...I don't want her child (if the child turns out to be a little hellion) or children like hers to be hanging around my kids.

Don't talk about me because I said that her child probably ain't gone be shit because y'all have thought it before. That little badass child ripping and running through the store touching shit and dropping shit and throwing shit. And why isn't this child gone be shit? Because his trifling ass momma or daddy or whomever ain't whooping his gatdamned ass up and down aisle 5 for tearing the store up.

Or the little badass cousin that you have (yep I have one too) that likes to TRY you patience and TRY to touch everything in your house despite telling his little bad ass every.time.he.brings.his.little.bad.ass.over to NOT TOUCH SHIT. And then his momma wants to get pissed off at YOU because YOU want to keep your shit in tact and SHE don't wanna discipline his little ass. Yep. Because of your momma you ain't gone be shit either lil' homie.

Or how about the child (true story y'all) that came to school with her momma's strawberry blunt wrapper in her book bag and it was found by her teacher. Guess what grade? Kgatdamn4.

Now I'm not saying that a child whose parent's are my age can't do this because it has been proven to me time and time again. But unfortunately it is more likely that a dumbass 16 year old with NO world sense, common sense, and/or mother wit would allow their children to run around like a bunch of fucking wild animals. And I have no problem laying hands on Princess Leapfrog if decides to act like one of them.

But then again, I'm 32 years old and have enough sense to stop that shit before she ain't shit.


Tamara said...

The Little Princess will know better because you will teach her better.

I have to tell the little hellraisers that I mentor..."Don't test me, because I will fight a kid. We're the same size too?!"

J/K I'd never hit another person's child. But the problem is that they don't discipline their own damned kids. And I have been tried. A couple weeks ago, I'm waiting with one of my girls for her parents (who are already an hour late). This lil chick is as cute as she can be, 12 years old, has the NERVE to flirt with one of the guys on my campus. HE IS 20 DAMNED YEARS OLD. And her little behind is skinning and grinning in his face, even though I'm telling her to stop, behave.

All I can say is, thank you for being a good mother. Because it's so easy to do otherwise.

Peace Sis!

Shai said...

That was harsh. I feel ya to an extent.

There are hellions out there with parents of age. Shoot, some with two parents and they still is pieces of work.

I feel for the kids in that situation. I had a friend I grew up with who had a baby at 14 and her own mother did not notice while everyone else noticed she was pregnant. Now, 21 years later and her son was adopted by his paternal grandma and is not doing bad.

...they call me "L" said...

it's been awhile Diaspora, hope all is well. Merry Christmas to you and yours...